TF1260-time for a new Alpha firmware update & lets compare results with my Cyberstorm MKIII !!!
Been enjoying my TF1260 with the Beta firmware update (see Dec27-21 post below) so let's look at what the latest Alpha firmware update brings to the table!
All tests carried out running AmigaOS 3.2.1with SysSpeed v2.6.
Note: On my Rev1 68060 I unfortunately couldn't over clock it to 62.5Mhz (like I did with the Beta firmware) or even 58 or 55Mhz so testing done only at base 50Mhz. That being said, in testing some intense 060 specific demos I honestly saw no difference in performance? Perhaps this is because of the big jump in chip ram speed or other internal changes?
Stability wise the Alpha firmware update is solid on my system.
Results at 50 Mhz with Alpha firmware:
Comparing to Beta firmware Results at 50 Mhz:
MIPS/ MFLOPS: +1.17 / +0.52
DRIVE SPEED: +1.47 MB/s (ReadFile)
MEMORY: +187.69 MB/s (CacheRead)
+22.11 MB/s (ReadROMb)
+40.98 (ReadROMw)
+51.76 (ReadRoml)
+0.49 (ReadFastb)
+0.51 (ReadFastw)
+0.67 (ReadFastl)
+0.35 (WriteFastb)
+0.56 (WriteFastw)
-1.56 (WriteFastl)
+0.22 (Fast2Fastb)
+0.3 (Fast2Fastw)
-5.53 (Fast2Fastl)
+0.03 (Fast2Fastm)
+25.74 (Fast2Fast16)- no result with Beta?
+0.06 (ReadChipb)
+0.12 (ReadChipw)
+0.24 (ReadChipl)
+0.44 (WriteChipb)
+0.87 (WriteChipw)
+1.73 (WriteChipl)
+0.19 (Chip2Chipb)
+0.38 (Chip2Chipw)
+0.75 (Chip2Chipl)
+0.41 (Chip2Chipm)
+2.55 (Chip2Chip16)- no result with Beta?
+0.41 (Fast2Chipb)
+0.79 (Fast2Chipw)
+1.62 (Fast2Chipl)
+1.36 (Fast2Chipm)
+4.95 (Fast2Chip16)-no result with Beta?
Phew ok there you have it so there's alot of +'s there so basically almost every item improved with the best results being Fast Ram, ReadROM and especially Cache Read.
It's too bad I couldn't get my Rev1 060 to overclock with this latest firmware update so I could compare the 62.5Mhz results as well but I'm hoping future updates will bring back 62.5 Mhz as my system was humming quite reliably at 62.5 :-)
And now for fun sake & yes I know it's not Apples to Apples but below are my Cyberstorm MKIII results in my Amiga 4000 also running AmigaOS3.2.1 with Rev1(same mask)68060:
and the obligatory view of only the NorthEast corner of the mancave as it is at this time: